Telescopic High Definition TV
Instrument P.I.: Ed Schilling, NASA Ames Research Center.
The information below will be updated as more precise data is received.
Technique: High Definition TV imaging with long focal length optics.
Scientific objective: To detect wake phenomena at highest possible spatial resolution.
Professional Sony HDTV Camcorder studio with broadcast quality low f-number zoom lens.
Heritage: This camera was deployed during the Genesis SRC entry observing campaign with a 9 inch Maksutov telescope and for in-cabin video during the 2002 Leonid MAC mission.
Aircraft hardware requirements: Window swivel mount, electricity at window, stow box.
Instrument validation tests: The sensitivity of the camera was tested in night-time observations of Venus and other astronomical sources.
Sensitivity: Depends on choice of optics and focal length.
Dynamic range: 8-bit (factor 256)
Frame rate and exposure times: 30 frames/s, 60 fields/second
Spectral resolution - gives the FWHM of an instrument-broadened unresolved atomic spectral line:
Relative spectral response - gives the wavelength dependence of the complete system (CCD sensor, lens, and window):