Dr. Mike Taylor of Utah State University got a spectacular video sequence of the reentry onboard the DC-8 aircraft using a Xybion intensified camera, from which this image is a partial frame. Photo: NASA/Utah State University. video mp4 (9.2 MB) | video mov (5.8 MB) |
Bryan Murahashi recorded these images from Redding, CA, using a Nikon D70 digital camera (with f = 400 mm lens, effective f = 600 mm, ISO = 800, at 1/200 s, and F/6.3). |
Jeffrey D. Alfred obtained this 25-second time exposure. Stardust is seen as a white streak over Wendover Airfield on its way to Dugway Proving Ground. Contact the Deseret Morning News for use of this image. |
Chris Detrick/Salt Lake Tribune took this picture of the Stardust streaking along the sky. Contact Salt Lake Tribune for use of this image. |
Chris Detrick/Salt Lake Tribune. 2:58 a.m. Sunday morning, the Stardust Probe streaked across Wendover, Utah, as seen from the Wendover Air Field. Contact Salt Lake Tribune for use of this image. |
Shortly before 04 UT on January 15, Bill Keel of the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa used the campus observatory's 0.4-meter telescope and CCD imaging system to detect the Stardust SRC when it was only 18th magnitude and 160,000 km away. |